Gaia y Sofia (S.L.L : Sociedad Limitada Laboral) is a worker cooperative, this is; a cooperative self-managed by its workers.

Self-organization is a process where some form of order or coordination arises out of the local interactions between the components of an initially disordered system. This process is spontaneous: it is not directed or controlled by any agent or subsystem inside or outside of the system. The resulting organization is wholly decentralized or distributed over all the components of the system. In chaos theory it is discussed in terms of islands of predictability in a sea of chaotic unpredictability. Wiki!

SebSebastian Eslea Burch

Co-Founder & Worker –  I’m Deep Ecologist absorbed by all the subtle qualities of Landscapes; I am a Gardener, farmer and land-artist at Posada del Valle. Since a child I’ve been fascinated by the meaning of Life, I’m a bit of a Biologist but mainly try to be a Holistic Learner. A good part of my Life is about networking, relational thinking and being. I’m guided by a Sense of Place, Self and Community in my work as Program Coordinator, IT Designer and E(co)facilitator at Gaia y Sofia SLL.


lidia2Lidia Fanjul San Juan

Co-founder & Worker – I am a “crazy partner”, a Biologist absorved by the word of Art and Nature. My competences are on Nature Conservation, Arts and Youth Work. I follow my feelings working in contact with the Earth, inspired by the life in rural contexts where diversity flows in all directions, through the natural world, through our cultures and through our relationships. At Gaia y Sofia SLL, I work as a Support Coordinator for Education Programs and Organization of Events. I am also a trainer, designing and implementing language courses and art workshops, at the same time I am a learner, thanks to all of you!

Jonathan Crinion

Co-founder & Adviser – I’m interested in the metaphysics of the Human Geography of ‘Creativity – Made Visible’ and how a new relationship with human creativity may be translated into an ecological polity. I’m also interested in what I am calling ‘Situational Expeditions’, which are designed to help existential individuals catalyze specific combinations of efficacy and agency into a situation that allows them to create social action for an ecologically sustainable future. I use my experience as a long distance single-handed offshore sailor as a means of travel and I live in Transition Town Totnes, Devon UK.

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