7 years of amazing experiences!
10 – Earth Pilgrim Retreat. Our first experience organizing events, a retreat with Satish kumar.
04 – Born
08 – Eco-workshops. Workshops on nature, arts, deep ecology and traditional crafts, Asturias
10 – Sense Experience!. Art-exposition at LABoral modern art centre, Gijón
10 – The Way of Food. A course-retreat from farm to fork. Sustainable organic food, Asturias.
04 – Earth Pilgrim Retreat II. Our second edition with Satish Kumar on deep ecology, spirituality and times of change.
08 – Gipsy Tour. Cooking workshops and feasts in different local organic farms, 0km food!
10 – Inland. Art, Agricultures & countryside Conference, Madrid
11 – English Education. An ongoing activity in Asturias, formal and non-formal learning.
02 – “Homenaje a la Xarda”. Socio-cultural event supporting local small fisheries, Lastres.
08 – Future of Food . Grundtvig Learning partnership started (2013-2015). We contribute to the partnership with facilitation, web design, research and product edition through 7 meetings in the 5 partner countries (IE, DE, NL, HU, ES), along a 2 year partnership.
09 – “La Noche Negra” Art exposition. and collaboration in “La Noche Negra” cultural event, Avilés
+ Art Workshops 09-2013 – 02-2015
05 – “Ruralize Yourself” TC. Facilitation in a training Course ERASMUS+Youth, organized by Biodiversa, Asturias
10 – 3 Senses Gathering . A course-retreat, including a local open event-conference, with three authors: Satish Kumar on the “Sense of Self”, Ignacio Abella on the “Sense of Place” and Gustavo Duch on the “Sense of Community”
**The spanish National Radio 3 attended the gathering and chair a Council.**
11 – “Backpack Journalism for Youth Eco-innovation” TC. Our first ERASMUS+ Youth training course, designed, organized and implemented by Gaia y Sofia SLL; learning about social media and sustainability and motivating the use of citizen journalism and social networks in sustainable grass-roots projects. Awarded at the European Youth Week in Brussels 2015
04 – “Green entrepreneurs” TC. Facilitation in an ERASMUS+ youth training course on eco and social entrepreneurship, organized by Youth and Environment Europe, Czech Rep.
05 – ERASMUS+ European Youth Week . Our course “BPJ for Youth Ecoinnovation” was awarded as “European good practice Empowering young people to participate in Society”, Brussels.
05 – “Connecting to Nature” TC. Facilitation in this ERASMUS+ Youth course organized by Biodiversa, Asturias.
05 –“Green Urban Cycles” TC. Facilitation and web design for this ERASMUS+ Youth course about sustainability in cities and recycled freak bikes, organized by Radi Viti Pats, Latvia.
07- End of Future of Food Grundtvig Learning partnership (2013-2015)
09 – Youth Conference in Estonia. Gaia y Sofia was invited to participate and facilitate some sessions on Youth Empowerment and Backpack Journalism in an international conference organized by the Estonian Youth Council (ENL).
09 – S4L “Soil For Life” TC . An ERASMUS+ Youth course, designed, organized and implemented by Gaia y Sofia; bringing formal and non formal education in life science and practicing community living skills for sustainability and change, Asturias.
12 – S4L Fanzine. The start of Gaia y Sofia’s fanzine on experiential learning. Born as result of Soil for Life Training course, this first edition is a guide to explore non-formal education in science.